Advisory Committee
Final Program




Pre-ICIS SIGBPS 2018 Workshop on Blockchain and Smart Contract (BPS'18)

 December 13, 2018, San Francisco, CA, USA
 Location: San Francisco Marriott Marquis, CA, USA
AIS-SIGBPS Website: sigbps.org
(in conjunction with International Conference on Information Systems 2018)

SIGBPS workshop aims to extend the boundaries of research in business process management and services science by integrating new elements that have not been sufficiently emphasized in the past. The recent rapid advances in information systems have created both challenges and opportunities to develop new business services via innovative business processes. Another important area of interest of this workshop is to promote theoretical research in business process management and service science. Driven by the need to solve practical problems, the business process modeling and automation research has been largely prescriptive. There has been a lack of strong theories in this area and we believe that it is essential to develop new theories about business process and service automation.

On the other hand, recently blockchain is poised to become the most exciting invention after the Internet; while the latter connects the world to enable new business models based on online business processes, the former will help resolve the trust issue more efficiently via distributed computing. While the recent advancement made blockchain a practical technology, smart contract is now getting more attention, which is essentially a transaction protocol that executes the terms of a computerized contract. The potential business impacts of blockchain and smart contracts are challenging existing business models, leading to fascinating research opportunities in business process and service applications. The purpose of the SIGBPS workshop this year is to provide an interdisciplinary forum to discuss new research directions in the areas of building trustworthy business process and service with blockchain and smart contract technologies. We have seen testimonial studies on how to examine, design, implement, and deploy solutions based on blockchain and smart contracts to resolve research and practical issues in BPS applications. Such applications may benefit many research frontier domains, for example, finance, supply chain, education and healthcare.

Detailed information for this workshop can be found in the Call for Paper.

Honorary Chairs:

Edward Stohr, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA

Akhil Kumar, Pennsylvania State University, USA

Conference Chairs:

J. Leon Zhao, City University of Hong Kong, China

Karl Lang, Baruch College, USA

Program Chairs:

Jun Shen, University of Wollongong, Australia

Zhe (Jay) Shan, Miami University, USA

Review Coordinator:

Lele Kang, Nanjing University, China


Ruiyun Xu, City University of Hong Kong, China
Huaming Chen, University of Wollongong, Australia

Important Dates:

  • Submission Deadline: Oct 1st, 2018

  • Notification of Acceptance: Oct 20th, 2018

  • Final Version Due: Oct 30th, 2018

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